Can you believe 1 week until Spring Break?

This term has flown by! It was great to share all the progress the students have made. Thank you to every family for supporting your child’s learning!

Last week, we learned about rocks and fossils and told animal stories. We all love rocks!

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The week ahead: March 10-14

  • Monday – at the park. We’ll continue learning about rocks and go on a shape scavenger hunt.
  • Tuesday – at the park. Big hike to see the other side of the Island followed by a marshmallow roast! (teachers will provide)
  • Wednesday – at the school. Please send back all books for their Spring Break rest. We will be planting our Spuds in Tubs today and predicting how many potatoes will be harvested in June!
  • Thursday – at the school. Ache Brazil performance in the afternoon. Kona Ice fundraiser after school.
  • Friday – at the school. Green Team House Cup celebration in AM.

I wish everyone a relaxing and fun spring break! See you back at school on March 31!


Student Inclusive Conferences week

The week ahead: March 3-7

  • Monday – at the park
  • Tuesday – at the park
  • Wednesday – Library and home reading book exchange. Early dismissal at 12:08. Conferences 12:30-4:00
  • Thursday – no school for conferences 8:00-7:00
  • Friday – skating PM. Please send car seats, skates, gloves, helmets, etc. in a separate bag and parent drivers, please come to the classroom at 11:50 AM. Anyone who missed the first skating session, please be assured this is beginner-friendly and parents are welcome!

I am looking forward to seeing you all at the conferences!


Respect & Diversity week

This week we’ll be highlighting kindness and including others. We’ll also be learning about different cultures around the world in a Countries Scavenger Hunt!

The week ahead: February 24-28

Monday – Report Card Prep. No students attend.

Tuesday – at the park

Wednesday – Library and Home Reading book exchange. Pink Shirt Day.

Thursday – at school. Kindness story telling.

Friday – Countries Scavenger hunt (in school)

Happy Family Day!

The snow and sun was lovely while it lasted. Students enjoyed their winter day at the park in many ways:

  • Testing the ice on the Fraser River by tossing pebbles.PXL_20250211_165804307
  • Relaxing in the trees.



  • Having a snow picnic.







  • Sharing Valentines with the campers.





Thank you for sending in the fruit for our Friendship Fruit Salad! It was a hit!PXL_20250214_185930017


The Week Ahead: February 18-21

Please sign up for a Student Inclusive Conference appointment online this week (opens Wednesday or Thursday)

Tuesday – Mr. Knowlson will be teaching again for me. Students are beginning a new Science Unit on Materials.

Wednesday – Library and home reading book return. (Most library books were already returned last week)

Thursday – At the school. Fun lunch day.

Friday – At the school. Potential for a walk in the AM. This is the deadline for completing the Parent Reflection Form online.

Friendship and Valentine’s

Please check emails for an update on the outdoor day for Tuesday, Feb. 11.  We are keeping an eye on the wind chill factor and the trail conditions.

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Skating was so much fun! Learning or practicing a new skill takes resilience and this is our Hawk Virtue of the month. Way to go Hawks for showing resilience on the ice! Students are now sharing a Counting Collection when they have been chosen as Special Helper. This gives each student a chance to show their counting skills and practice how quantities can be broken apart into smaller subsets.

The week ahead: Feb. 10-14

  • Monday – no students attend. Professional Development Day.
  • Tuesday – at the park??
  • Wednesday – at FLE. Library books can be kept for another week, as the Book Fair is taking over the library and there will be no book exchanges. Please return home reading books.
  • Thursday – at FLE.
  • Friday – at FLE. Valentine’s Day. Please send a cup of chopped fruit for our Friendship Fruit Salad, and a dish with a fork or spoon. If your child wants to deliver Valentine cards, please be sure to send one for everyone in the class (20). We will make big envelopes to hold our cards in.
  • Next Monday, February 17 is Family Day – enjoy the holiday!


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Last week we were making up stories about snow and now it’s finally on the ground. We’ll have a great time at the park in the snow this week! Dress kids in boots and snow or rain pants and coats, with several pairs of gloves/mitts. We have extra hand and foot warmers in case they get chilly. (Thanks to parents Laura and Morgan!)

  • Monday – at the park.
  • Tuesday – at the park (unless weather turns too cold or icy)
  • Wednesday – at FLE. Return Library and Home Reading books.
  • Thursday – at FLE.
  • Friday – at FLE. Skating field trip.
    • Parent drivers please arrive at the classroom at 11:45 AM for carpools to the rink.
    • Send a booster seat for your child if they are riding in another car.
    • Send a labeled bag with your child’s gear including skates, helmet (unless renting), gloves, snow/rain pants
    • Any children who are new to skating are allowed to use the carts and take breaks to colour or watch on the benches.
    • All children must stay in the rink area unless escorted by a parent or staff to the washrooms.

Gung Hey Fat Choy! It’s the Year of the Snake!


We were blessed with another beautiful, sunny and cool set of outdoor days last week and it looks like our luck will hold for this week as well.

Please send a hand towel if your child doesn’t yet have one in their backpack. Drying hands after washing helps them stay warm and clean. We do not have paper towels at the shelter. Thanks!

We’ll be learning about snakes and Lunar New Year traditions for the Year of the Snake this week.  We’re wondering about the garter snakes that live at the park and how long they will hibernate for!


The week ahead: Jan 27-31

  • Monday and Tuesday – at the park
  • Wednesday – at FLE. Send in skating field trip form, library and home reading books (Sorry…I have a big stack of mail bags in the classroom). Lunar New Year begins.
  • Thursday – at FLE. Fun lunch.
  • Friday – at FLE. No walk due to assembly. Crazy Hat Spirit Day!

*Looking ahead to Skating on Friday, Feb. 7 – I will need two parent volunteers to collect the helmet and skate rentals from the shop in a tote bin or wagon and bring them to the changing room to distribute, then return at the end of the skate. I will have a list of sizes needed. Please let me know if you wouldn’t mind doing this job. (I will pay for the rentals with the school credit card)

*Looking ahead to Valentine’s Day – If your child would like to give cards, please send them on Friday, Feb. 14. Please have them put their own name on each card but NOT any particular friend’s name. This way it is much easier and quicker for kids to deliver them. There are 20 students in our class. We’ll also be making a ‘Friendship Fruit Salad’ to share. Please send in one cup of chopped fruit that your child enjoys on Friday, Feb. 14.

Wintery weather at last

Last week we enjoyed a frosty walk. Students were excited to find signs of winter cold like hair ice on sticks! We welcomed the 55 coho salmon eggs into the tank in Ms. Bendo’s classroom. Each week we’ll check on their progress. On the February calendar, please add Monday, Feb. 24 is a Report Card Prep day, students do not attend. Also, if your child did not bring home a calendar and skating field trip form, please email me so I can ensure they get one this week.

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The week ahead: Jan. 20-24

  • Monday – at the park. We’ll learn more about how animals survive the winter through games, books and dramatic play.
  • Tuesday – at the park. We’ll create winter tree art.
  • Wednesday – at FLE. Return home reading and library books. Drumming at 3:15.
  • Thursday – at FLE. Donut treat day. LEAP Info Session for new interested families at 5pm in library.
  • Friday – at FLE. Morning walk likely.


Sturgeon and Salmon

Coming back to school was both fun and busy. It also tugged on the heartstrings to have to say goodbye to parents again. Students enjoyed a lovely day outside with sand play. In the classroom, we made 2025 ‘smell and texture’ collages with Ms. O’Neill’s leftover sugary cereal!

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This week we’ll learn about the sturgeon through traditional Kwantlen storytelling with Sesmalot at the river. Then when we return to school, we’ll meet our shared class pets…coho salmon eggs! Ms. Bendo’s and our K classes will take care of them and watch them develop over the next 3 months. They’ll live in a tank in Ms. Bendo’s class since we are out of the building some days. We will follow the Salmonids in the Classroom education materials to learn about each stage and how to care for them.

  • Monday – at the park
  • Tuesday – at the park
  • Wednesday – at FLE. Library book exchange. 2:15–3:00 Indigenous Drumming group (either outside log circle or in Ms. Bendo’s room) is open to all staff, parents and students each Wednesday
  • Thursday – at FLE.
  • Friday – at FLE. In term 2, we will continue to try to go for walks in the community when schedules and weather allow. We also have an extra gym block for indoor exercise. Please keep sending outdoor clothing.

*Please help spread the word about LEAP! We have an information session for interested families on January 23 at 5:00pm in the library. Contact the office to register.

Happy New Year 2025

I’m re-energized after the holiday break and can’t wait to get into my favourite term of the year for teaching. I love how ready the kindergarten students are for learning new things like letter sounds and reading!

  • Monday, Jan. 6 – at the school. We’ll share our favourite holiday memories and New Year’s traditions.
  • Tuesday, Jan. 7 – at the new park. We meet at the day use area and walk to the group campsite around 9:00.
  • Wednesday, Jan. 8 – at the school.
  • Thursday, Jan. 9 – at the school.
  • Friday, Jan. 10 – at the school.