Last week of Kindergarten!

Last week was a full and busy week! We enjoyed a long hike to the top of a big hill in Aldergrove Park where the kids then ran up and down for fun. *Note to parents: cheaper and as much fun as an amusement park ;). We learned some hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ language games, we harvested potatoes, we did the potato dance, we watched Gr. 6/7 shadow puppet shows and we played store in the classroom to learn about coins.

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I have now updated the permissions for the Spaces Edu online portfolios. Please try again to create a family account and view the portfolios.  I appreciate someone letting me know if they can successfully access their child’s portfolio or not.


The week ahead: June 24-27

  • Monday – The Lorax day. Ms. Lowden will be teaching today! The K classes will join together in the afternoon for the movie and a craft.
  • Tuesday – Water Park day. Weather looks good…not too hot or cold. Thank you to parent helpers. We will be leaving school at 9:15.  Drivers, please come a bit earlier to collect car seats and students for the carpools. Emailed details coming Monday morning.
  • Wednesday – Clean up day. Sending home school supplies and duotangs, art, etc. Please send an extra shopping bag to school with your child.
  • Thursday – Last school day of the year for students! Year-end assembly at 10:20 AM. Dismissal at 11:35 AM.

It’s been an amazing year! From their first tentative days to the adventurous, social butterflies we see now, all the students have grown so much! Thank you for all the support this year. You’ve been an incredible group of families to work with. I wish you all the best summer!


Last week of spring

I hope all the great Dad’s had a wonderful Father’s Day this weekend! Sorry for the later update for the week.

June 17-21

  • Monday – last day at the park. We are planning a longer hike to explore trails we haven’t visited yet.
  • Tuesday – at FLE for Indigenous Games Day.
  • Wednesday – at FLE.
  • Thursday – at FLE. Potato harvesting day! Parent appreciation in the morning (this got moved). Stop by the front of the school at drop-off if you can! First day of summer.
  • Friday – at FLE. Community Walk.

Heads-up! Coming next week:

  • Lorax Day – Monday, June 24. At FLE. Fun activities around this Dr. Seuss classic for all kindergarteners.
  • Water Park Day – Tuesday, June 25
  • Wednesday – at FLE. Clean up day. Send an extra, cloth bag for bringing home shoes and supplies.
  • Thursday – at FLE until 11:35 early dismissal. Summer break starts for kids!
  • Friday – no students attend. Administration day for staff.


Picnic in the Park







We had a great week learning about oceans and motion of objects.

A look ahead: June 10-14

  • Monday – at the park. Please send in your contributions to the hotdog roast and picnic. I will have a cooler to keep items in until lunch. We’ll start cooking and eating around 11:30.
  • Tuesday – at the park. Experimenting with motion of different sizes and weights of balls.
  • Wednesday – at the school.
  • Thursday – at the school. Please return all library and home reading books you may still have at home. No new books this week. Parent appreciation – drop by the front of the school for a little treat to say thanks for all your support this year!
  • Friday – at the school. Sports Day! See below for team colours. More details to come this week!
  • White: Rough-legged Hawks : Olivia, Xavier, Oliver, Cian
  • Blue: Sharp-shinned Hawks: Oskar, Daniel, Cece, Yusuf, Leon
  • Red: Red-tailed Hawks: Kaeden, Isla, Enzo, Chevy
  • Green: Norther Harriers: Asher, Emilia, Hyland, Hazel, Avery


Ocean week

It’s World Ocean Day on Saturday, June 8. This week we’ll be adventuring to the beach, we’ll work on answering our inquiry questions about oceans and continue storytelling with the ‘Water World’ loose parts kPXL_20240531_223023234it.

Students are using their growing confidence with letter formation, sounds and sight words to write their ocean stories in mini books.







Through the month of June, important learning continues. In Science, we are beginning a short unit on movement of objects. We’ll be experimenting with how things move in our outdoor activities. In math, we will be learning about coins and money in playful ways.

The week ahead: June 3-June 7

  • Monday – Beach day. Drop off and Pick up at FLE. Traveling by school bus. Students are welcome to bring a shovel and pail. Dress for the weather.
  • Tuesday – Park day.
  • Wednesday – At FLE.
  • Thursday – At FLE.
  • Friday – At FLE. Community Walk.




Fun in the Rain

A rainy day doesn’t stop us from having a great day in nature! Last week, students learned how many living things are in the pond by dipping their bowls and examining them under giant magnifying glasses. The types of creatures we found (like Mr. Wigglebottom) indicated that it is a healthy pond with good water quality. We also learned how to hunt frogs like Great Blue Heron. Many thanks to our Metro Parks Interpreters for teaching us so much!

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A look ahead: May 27-31

*Still a few red permission forms to send back. If you need a form, please ask me at the classroom door.

  • Monday – at the park.
  • Tuesday – at the park.
  • Wednesday – at FLE. Fort’s Got Talent Show @ 12:30. Drop-in to the outdoor classroom to drum at 2:20!
  • Thursday – at FLE. Library and Home Reading book exchange.
  • Friday – at FLE. Community Walk.


Welcoming a new park and new students

I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend. Last week we were so lucky to have a detective scavenger hunt and a visit from the Chicks! This week, on indoor days, please return the field trip form for our Beach trip.

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The week ahead: May 21-24

  • Tuesday – at the new park. We’ll learn the new boundaries and rules and explore where we can learn and play. We will start our day with a Pond Peeking guided program from Metro Vancouver Park Interpreters.
  • Wednesday – at FLE. Early dismissal at 11:35 so I can welcome the next group of kindergarten students!
  • Thursday – at FLE. Library and Home Reading book exchange. Fun Lunch.
  • Friday – at FLE. Community Walk.


Happy Mother’s Day

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Last week’s learning highlights included a critter hunt, habitat creations and practicing ways to make ten.

This week, we are learning about forest habitats at the Surrey Nature Centre! At school, we’ll continue our unit on living things and hopefully some of our seeds will be sprouting at the garden after all this warm weather!

We have been learning sight words and it is exciting to see the students noticing these common words in print throughout the day. You can support your child’s learning by asking them to find sight words they recognize and also count objects that make ten in different ways.

A fun card game students have been enjoying at school is “High Card Battle”. Remove face cards and aces from a card deck and divide equally among players. Each players cards are face down in front of them. At the same time, each player flips over their top card. The player with the highest card collects all the cards and adds them to the bottom of their deck. In case of a tie, flip again and the winner takes all.  The game ends when one player runs out of cards. The player with the most cards wins! This game reinforces ‘greater than’, ‘less than’ and ‘equal to’ math concepts.

A look ahead: May 13-May 22

  • Monday – Field trip on school bus. Drop off and Pick up at FLE.
  • Tuesday – At the park.
  • Wednesday – FLE. Drop-in after school drumming group.
  • Thursday – FLE. K scavenger hunt with Leadership Kindness Kettle. Book exchanges.
  • Friday – Pro D day. No school for students.
  • Monday, May 20 – Victoria Day Holiday.
  • Tuesday, May 21 – New Park! Check your calendars for location.
  • Wednesday, May 22 – Early Dismissal at 11:35 for Welcome to K event.

Farewell, Ms. Lowden!

It’s been a great experience having our ‘bonus teacher’ Ms. Lowden helping students learn these past months. We wish her well in her teaching career!

Last week, we welcomed some new class ‘pets’ – mystery amphibians! As they hatched, we inquired what they could be. Axolotls seem to be the most popular guess.






This week, we’ll be investigating more living things such as worms and bugs.

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The week ahead: May 6-10

  • Monday – At the park
  • Tuesday – At the park
  • Wednesday – At FLE. Drumming group drop-in after school at the log circle.
  • Thursday – At FLE. Library and Home Reading book exchange. Donut Treat Day (pre-order).
  • Friday – At FLE. Community walk in the morning. Final day for Ms. Lowden. Bear Witness Day (students can bring a teddy bear). This video explains the principles behind this event. I will explain to students in kindergarten-appropriate ways how all children have a right to the care they need to grow up healthy.

* Wednesday, May 22 is our Welcome to K event for this September’s Kindergarten students. Dismissal is at 11:35. Please make arrangements to pick up your child early.


Enjoying the breaks in the rain

When it wasn’t raining this week, we enjoyed planting seeds in the school garden, drawing with chalk and making wishes on dandelion seeds.

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The week ahead: April 29 – May 3

Wow! It’s already May this week!

This week we continue learning about communities and careers in Social Studies, plants in Science, story structure in English and measurement in Math.

  • Monday – At the park.
  • Tuesday – At the park.
  • Wednesday – At FLE. Drumming group after school.
  • Thursday – At FLE. Home reading and Library book exchanges. Fun lunch.
  • Friday – At FLE. I will be absent due to an appointment. Ms. Lowden and the TTOC will go for a community walk in the afternoon.

Happy Earth Day!






It is Eulachan (Swiwa) Moon in the Kwantlen traditional calendar. We learned the importance of species at risk such as this little fish along with little brown bats and spotted owls at the Kwantlen Cultural Centre last week.

The week ahead: April 22-26

*Please return permission forms for Surrey Nature Centre field trip

  • Monday – Earth Day! We’ll celebrate Earth by planting a seed and finding ways we can be kind to our planet.
  • Tuesday – At the park.
  • Wednesday – At FLE. After school drumming group – all welcome!
  • Thursday – At FLE. Home reading and library book exchange. Gardening.
  • Friday – At FLE. Para-sport demonstration with Avery’s Mom. Gardening.