This term has flown by! It was great to share all the progress the students have made. Thank you to every family for supporting your child’s learning!
Last week, we learned about rocks and fossils and told animal stories. We all love rocks!
The week ahead: March 10-14
- Monday – at the park. We’ll continue learning about rocks and go on a shape scavenger hunt.
- Tuesday – at the park. Big hike to see the other side of the Island followed by a marshmallow roast! (teachers will provide)
- Wednesday – at the school. Please send back all books for their Spring Break rest. We will be planting our Spuds in Tubs today and predicting how many potatoes will be harvested in June!
- Thursday – at the school. Ache Brazil performance in the afternoon. Kona Ice fundraiser after school.
- Friday – at the school. Green Team House Cup celebration in AM.
I wish everyone a relaxing and fun spring break! See you back at school on March 31!