Save your Recyclables

Happy Family Day!

If you are looking for something to do Monday, check this out at the Fort.

FL Family Day poster 11×17

PXL_20240213_213954395 PXL_20240213_190635962 PXL_20240213_214043386Last week was so beautiful and sunny. We enjoyed making ‘heart art’ and finding signs of spring like these snowdrops.








 The week ahead: February 20-23

Student Teacher Ms. Lowden returns this week for her long practicum. She’ll be gradually increasing the amount of time she teaches and will be included in all school activities. We welcome her back!

Please return the green Family Reflection Sheets this week. They are needed for report card preparation.

  • Monday, Feb.19 – Family Day
  • Tuesday – At the park. We’ll be making a plan for our recycled material projects.
  • Wednesday – at FLE. Beading workshop. Send recycled materials from home such as shoe box, plastic cartons, cans, juice boxes, etc. that will help your child realize their plan. Material should be clean and dry.
  • Thursday – at FLE. Creating “It’s Not a Box” projects. Library and Home Reading book exchanges.
  • Friday – at FLE. Morning Walk.
  • Monday, Feb.26 – No school for students. Report Card Preparation Day.
  • Heads Up: Feb.28 is Pink Shirt Day and final day at Brae island. We’ll be celebrating Diversity Week with a cultural shared snack. Sign up at the classroom door this week. Feb.29 is Rainbow school spirit day.