Salmon Spawning Time

I am so proud of my students’ respectful behaviour through the long assembly. A special recognition to Leon and Avery for placing our class wreath. Remembrance Day themes are a lot to process for young minds but important with all the conflicts that continue around the world today.

We sure had a lot of fun at Brae Island this week! I think we all will remember forever the close up experience with a huge chum salmon.

More learning and playing :

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  • Learning about bats with Danielle from BC Bats.
  • STEM play with sand and water.
  • All aboard the pretend boat!
  • Making 5 with nature materials.

The week ahead: Nov. 14-17

This week we begin a new round of sharing for ‘special helpers’. The theme is Family Traditions. When it is your child’s turn, they will bring home a reminder notice. Please help them prepare something to show and tell about a family tradition the next day – it could be Christmas-themed or something else. We will share on indoor and outdoor days. In the past, most students bring a drawing, small object, storybook, or photo to help them talk about their tradition. If you would like to join in to share food or anything else special and need a few days to plan ahead, please let me know and we will schedule a convenient day. We look forward to learning about each other’s culture and family traditions!

  • Monday – holiday
  • Tuesday – at the park. Salmon Forest program with Langley Environmental Partners Society. (cost included with the LEAP Academy Fee)
  • Wednesday – At FLE. Jess Dance (hip hop workshop)
  • Thursday – At FLE. Jess Dance and library book exchange.
  • Friday – At FLE. Community Walk to look for lichen and other natural gifts from the wind storm.